Enterprise Connect 2021
TC2 Director Joe Schmidt was a featured presenter at 2021’s Enterprise Connect conference this September, where he presented on Re-building the WAN for the Post-Pandemic Office.
You can watch the presentation here.
Companies are poised for profound transformation as they reconsider where work gets done. How will this change impact your wide-area bandwidth consumption, and how do you ensure continued cost savings and service quality? Joe provided practical tips on technology decisions and contracting strategies that can help you navigate the rebuild of your WAN to fit your new reality.
- How should you start revisiting your WAN strategy to respond to changes in office use?
- Which WAN technologies are most cost-effective in a future when bandwidth demand may be more dynamic and office configurations may be in flux?
- With increased use of video becoming the norm, are you likely to need significantly more bandwidth compared to pre-pandemic for an office that serves essentially the same function?
- What (if anything) can you do about legacy long-term contracts that no longer match your enterprise’s bandwidth usage patterns? How should you structure future contracts?
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Enterprise Connect® is the leading conference and exhibition in North America for enterprise communications and collaboration systems, software and services. Enterprise Connect® brings corporate IT decision-makers together with the industry’s suppliers, analysts and consultants to focus on the issues central to enterprise communications and collaboration networks. Enterprise Connect® owns and produces No Jitter, (http://www.nojitter.com/), providing daily blogging and analysis of enterprise communications, and it also serves the community with a weekly email newsletter, a Webinar Series and Virtual Events. For more information, visit http://enterpriseconnect.com/
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