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Technology Consulting & Strategy Development Services

We give you superior, objective advice and analysis – the kind that only comes from extensive, hands-on experience earned from our participation on both sides of the bargaining table.

In today's world, it goes without saying that IT departments have to juggle multiple demands and competing priorities.  With everything from relentless demands for the latest cutting-edge technologies, increased bandwidth, greater server capacity and more storage, to ever present security threats, IPv4 obsolescence, new mobility platforms and ever more complex technology convergence, it can be difficult to not lose your head in the cloud.

But over-riding all of this is the need to deliver value - IT services that deliver the technologies and functionality required by your customers, with no compromise on security or resilience, underpinned by support and service levels that befit a world class enterprise - all delivered at a total cost of ownership that is far less than the sum of its parts.

Technology and IT strategy can so often be reactive - developing piecemeal in response to ever changing user requirements resulting in a patchwork of technology that is difficult to operate and support, and that cannot react and evolve quickly enough to meet the rapidly changing needs of users.  Expensive, temporary and unsatisfactory stop gap solutions become permanently embedded, and service levels suffer.  IT has become a barrier, rather than an enabler, of your business, with a budget regarded as a black hole.

TC2 supports its clients in developing clear IT strategies and technology solutions that navigate a path out of such problems as well as avoiding them in the first place.  It's not about "blue sky thinking" or predicting the future; it is about being prepared for the future changes you don’t yet know about, and having a roadmap for the ones you do.  It's about evaluating and assessing the available technology solutions using fact-based data and benchmarks, and assessing those solutions against your unique environment to determine the optimal strategy and solution.  And it is about having a robust and tested business case that supports and sustains the strategy and/or technology solution and its implementation plan.

Here are some examples of our technology consulting and strategy development services:

  • Network Design and Transformation
  • SIP Trunking Strategy and Business Case development
  • Cloud Computing Strategies
  • Enterprise Wireless Strategy and Policy Best Practices 
  • Global Sourcing Strategies