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There Is Only One Sure Way To Get The Lowest Possible Telecom Prices

Oct 1, 2009 - Articles by

Prices for telecom services have been falling for as long as any of us can remember.  Price savings in return for contract renewals, or as part of mid-term contract benchmarking exercises, or as the result of a competitive procurement, have become the de facto expectation of IT and procurement departments.  […]

Extreme Makeover, Wireless Edition

Mar 26, 2009 - Articles by

Corporate reorganizations are becoming almost commonplace in this difficult economic climate. Even the largest, most storied institutions are finding themselves parties to mergers, acquisitions, divestitures and downsizings they probably didn’t envision as recently as three months ago, much less when they negotiated their last round of wireless service and equipment […]

Comparing Apples To Marshmallows And Other Tales Of MPLS

Nov 1, 2007 - Articles by

The focus of Customers’ Corner is typically commerce and policy — carrier contract machinations, or key regulatory issues that affect the user bottom line. That said, once in a while we venture into technical subjects, if only to burnish our geek bona fides. This is one of those times. In […]