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AT&T Hikes its Administrative Expense Fee by 50%

This article was also published by Telecom Ramblings. If you’re an AT&T customer, the cost of your telecom services is about to go up. Earlier this month, AT&T quietly announced a 50% increase in its Administrative Expense Fee (“AEF”). The AEF is a percentage-based fee that AT&T applies to its customers’ expenditures […]

Verizon Strike Taking Trickle-down Toll on Business Customers

“Customers are asking their Verizon (Enterprise) account teams for, you name it – an inventory of current services, a next response to a bid for new services, a network management request that can’t otherwise be handled automatically – and the answer is coming back very frequently that those people aren’t […]

Savings that Telecom Expense Management Providers Miss

TEM services perform basic checks, but it’s not practical for them to pursue the forensic analysis necessary to catch the billing errors outlined here. If you use a Telecom Expense Management (TEM) provider to audit your telecommunications invoices, you may be in for a surprise. TEM providers claim to catch […]

You STILL Can’t Outsource Ownership of Your Telecommunications Spend

As the telecom expense management market evolves, enterprises need to weigh which external options best meet their needs while maintaining internal expertise. If you utilize services from a specialty TEM firm, it is critical that you competitively procure these services on a periodic basis even if you are happy with […]

Managing Enterprise Wireless Services to Maximum Advantage

BYOD is about much more than just using employee devices for company business: this white paper details all the elements your enterprise wireless policies will need. You can develop a wireless strategy for your enterprise that will deliver the capabilities your users need while keeping costs under control and managing […]