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The Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) Edges Closer to Reality

Dec 23, 2019 - Articles by

The Citizens Broadband Radio Service (“CBRS”), a 5G service in the 3550-3700 MHz (“3.5 GHz”) band, is gradually becoming a reality.  Operationally, the CBRS is a short-range, high-bandwidth wireless service that can be used either by carriers or corporate users for voice, data, or IoT applications. From a regulatory perspective, […]

Commission Sides with SIP Trunk and VOIP Users on 911 Fees

Oct 30, 2019 - Articles by

In a victory for enterprise users that rely on SIP trunking and other VOIP services, on October 30, 2019, the FCC released a Declaratory Ruling stating that states and municipalities “cannot charge the same class of subscribers total 911 fees that are higher for VoIP services than for traditional telecommunications […]

The European Electronic Communications Code May Benefit You

Oct 23, 2019 - Articles by

I.  Introduction. Since the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) was released in December 2018, many in the industry have described its effects on providers of EU telecoms and communications related OTT services. None have analyzed the EECC’s impact on large business end-users of those services and how they can benefit […]

The Commission Creates A Fraud Division

Aug 15, 2019 - Articles by

On August 12, 2019 the FCC created a new Fraud Division within the Enforcement Bureau. The mission of the Fraud Division is to uncover, investigate, and prosecute attempts to commit waste, fraud, and abuse within the Commission’s universal service funds, including the high cost fund, the E-rate fund, the low-income […]

Pole Attachment Dispute Involves Claims at Both State Court and the FCC

Aug 15, 2019 - Articles by

The FCC’s Enforcement Bureau issued a detailed decision this week (MAW Communications, Inc. v. PPL Electric Utilities Corporation, DA 19-771) addressing the relative rights and responsibilities of a pole-owning electric utility and a telecommunications carrier for the carrier’s unauthorized attachment to the utility’s poles, the carrier’s refusal to pay an […]