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Digital Transformation & Software-Defined Wide-Area Networking

Nov 13, 2021 - Articles by

How do you get the most out of the transformational opportunity presented by Software-Defined Wide-Area Networking (“SD-WAN”)?  Separate or modularized RFPs may be the best way to engage and exert maximum leverage across the range of provider alternatives who might fit your needs. TC2 Director Anthony Mangino recently penned an […]

Enterprise Connect 2021

Sep 30, 2021 - Articles by

TC2 Director Joe Schmidt was a featured presenter at 2021’s Enterprise Connect conference this September, where he presented on Re-building the WAN for the Post-Pandemic Office.  You can watch the presentation here. Companies are poised for profound transformation as they reconsider where work gets done. How will this change impact […]

C-Band Spectrum Could Save U.S. Wireless Carriers’ 5G Plans

Aug 25, 2021 - Articles by

In February of this year, the Federal Communications Commission announced the winners of the C-Band spectrum auction: AT&T and Verizon Wireless, who together spent almost $70B on the frequencies plus billions more each on related costs.  The two leading wireless carriers are betting that their huge investments will pay off […]